Friday morning quick hits
Publicists: ha

The tagline is "where the blogosphere and the twittersphere meet" and while that may not wow you, the site is actually very useful for PR types.
Much like Muck Rack, which provides a real time stream of journalists' tweets (along with their titles), Twittorati provides a real time stream of top blogs on Twitter. It also provides a ranking of the Top 100 blogs (which we're curiously absent from) and a list of each tweeter connected with those blogs.
For example, Huffington Post is #1 and on the site you'll see links to the handles for five of the editors and a stream of recent Huff Post tweets: Glenn Beck meltdowns, get the idea.
We are fans.

Speaking of Huff Post, are you reading Carolyn Rubenstein?
Arianna's newest blogger has been providing very cool content on perseverance.
Conveniently, she has a book due out from Tor/Forge in a few weeks on the same topic. How's that for timing?
This is an amazing book that we're honored to represent and, frankly, we're not sure if we have an author that has a schedule more packed than Carolyn.
Ready for this?
She blogs regularly for Psychology Today, Huffington Post and herself.
She Tweets. She Facebooks. She newsletters.
She runs a nonprofit organization, “Carolyn’s Compassionate Children” (CCC), a group that began as a pen-pal program for kids with cancer that now provides scholarships and support to childhood cancer survivors.
She wrote a book and is in the middle of a very time-consuming publicity campaign.
Oh, and while she's doing all of this she's also a full-time student, pursuing her PhD program in clinical psychology at Harvard University.
Her publicity team really appreciates her.
I should note that we're having a blast with this campaign because in addition to getting to work with Carolyn, Ben and the fabulous publicity team at Tor/Forge, we're also getting a chance to work alongside super-publicists Angela Hayes and Grace McQuade at Goldberg McDuffie, who are working with Senior Publicist Amy Currie to line up some very impressive opportunities for the book.
Keep an eye out for Carolyn this fall and head over to Huffington Post for a good taste of her work.
Labels: Carolyn Rubenstein, Perseverance, Tor Books, Twittorati