From book to film

- Julia Child’s famous cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, has shot back to the bestseller list some 50 years after first being published. The film “Julie & Julia” reached #2 at the weekend box office.
- For all the romance lovers out there, “The Time Traveler’s Wife,” based on the bestselling novel by Audrey Niffenegger, hits box offices this weekend. (This means you male moviegoers who dragged your significant other to “G.I. Joe” last week have some payback coming. And his name is Eric Bana.)
- A new trailer has been released for director Spike Jonze’s interpretation of Where the Wild Things Are. Personally, can’t wait to see this one! Less CGI, more monster suits, I say.
- Have you seen the new trailer for the adaptation of The Lovely Bones? It’s directed by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings notoriety, who introduces the trailer. If you ask me, any work of literature is safe in his hands.
- Speaking of Peter Jackson, he updated fans on the status of The Hobbit film at this year’s Comic Con. (It’s not quite green-lit, but the book will be translated into two films.)
- And the folks at GalleyCat report that Julia Roberts was seen at a Brooklyn bookstore yesterday filming scenes for the upcoming adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir, Eat, Pray, Love.
Labels: Favorite Books, Films, Peter Jackson, The Lovely Bones, The Time Traveler's Wife, Where the Wild Things Are
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