Social Media Mania
If you haven’t gotten the message by now, then let me type it a little bit slower: WE…LOVE…SOCIAL…MEDIA!
Recently, re-released the Top 25 Social Networks and by no surprise to P&P, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter all fell to the top of the list.
It is interesting to see in just a year since released the original ranking of Top 25 Social Networks, how quickly Facebook and Twitter have gained momentum while MySpace growth has been dramatically slowing.
Our guess, as the social networks duke it out for more visitors, is if the sites don’t continue to evolve, they are going to lose their fans just as quickly as Vanilla Ice lost his.
So with that being said, everyone take a little time to update that profile pic, share some intriguing information and start connecting!
BTW, we are on all three and would love for you to be our fan, friend and/or follower.
Recently, re-released the Top 25 Social Networks and by no surprise to P&P, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter all fell to the top of the list.
Our guess, as the social networks duke it out for more visitors, is if the sites don’t continue to evolve, they are going to lose their fans just as quickly as Vanilla Ice lost his.
So with that being said, everyone take a little time to update that profile pic, share some intriguing information and start connecting!
BTW, we are on all three and would love for you to be our fan, friend and/or follower.
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