*Tweet Tweet* Are you Twittering, yet?
Ever heard of this mysterious, dishy little thing called Twitter? Essentially, Twitter is a bare-bones interpretation of those intricate social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. Or, in geek speak, Twitter is a “micro-blogging” service.
The free service allows you to send mini-updates, or “tweets” to people in your network. Updates are then displayed on the user's (ie: you) profile page and instantly delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. Bonus: you can tweet from anywhere, not just from your computer. The beauty of Twitter, in my opinion, is its simplicity. You can post and receive tweets via the Twitter website, IMs, SMS, RSS and email by installing an easy-to-navigate application.
If you haven’t jumped on the Twitter Wagon yet, you should. Not sure why? Well, we’re still new to the whole bit, but this is what we find useful about “tweeting” with our friends…
1. Connect with old friends, and make new ones!
2. Keep your fans in the know.
3. Follow your favorite media members and see what they’re working on.
4. Send messages to bloggers.
Be sure to add P&P to your network once you join!
Good one! For people just starting out, we've posted some additional social networking sites to look into at www.bookpros.blogspot.com
An amazing tool and one that I'm not fully familiar with. Notwithstanding that, I'm a Twitter and have asked to use the "follow" facility with you. I've already posted a comment to Stephanie's piece. Perhaps you will even ask to have a look at a synopsis of what I've produced along with my co-author. It's partly down to communication and the rest is down to good writing.
You can see it all at our blogsite (only a month old) using the URL posted here.
See me at Twitter at http://twitter.com/themeadowblog
Mike O'Hare
stop hair loss
parking garage lighting tool and one that I'm not fully familiar with. Notwithstanding that, I'm a Twitter and have asked to use the "follow" facility with you. I've already posted a comment to Stephanie's piece. Perhaps you will even ask to have a look at a synopsis of what I've produced along with my co-author. It's partly down to communication and the rest is down to good writing.
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