That's a Wrap!

Each filming session lasted about an hour and a half, giving each author time to film their “Shelf Life” interview, a bio and a book introduction. The first shoot of the day started bright and early at 8 am with Traci Slatton, author of Immortal followed by J.J. Austin, author of It Starts With You! In the afternoon, it was Mark Pickering (Story of the Sand), followed by r.b. mitchell (Castaway Kid) and then Steve Simpson (Runaway). The last two shoots of the day were of Mike Thomas (A Harvest of Miracles) and Nate Self (Two Wars).
The videos are now in post-production, and we can't wait to share the end result! In case you were wondering, this content is the main ingredient for P&P’s new Online Video PR Campaign and should be going viral soon. Check back soon to view the final clips which will be available all over the web in a couple short weeks. As promised in yesterday’s post, here are some more pictures from the day…
Nate Self, author of Two Wars, films his bio.
Nate Self and host of "Shelf Life" Kimberlie Dykeman pose on set.
Rob Mitchell, author of Castaway Kid, films his book introduction.
Traci Slatton, author of Immortal, pauses between takes.
Kimberlie interviews Traci on the set of "Shelf Life."
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